M. Hunter

Venezia by @theropicu (M. Hunter)
Media: pencil, Photoshop 7.0

Picture commissioned by Rachel/jedilora of her ex-roomie's role play character, Jelly, and Jelly's kinda-cousin, Gerry (Jelly is the property of Lena/akavertigo, Gerry is the property of Sammy R/re_white) as a birthday gift (very belated gift, as I got the commission around the end quarter, with papers and finals creeping up on me).

Rachel requested that the picture be of, "Jelly, Gerry, and Venetian masks," and I got really excited because I really, really liked the masks I saw when I went to Venice. Since I was also feeling kinda guilty about the kinda-crudy job I did on the piece she commissioned for Lena the year before (oops), I ended up going all-out by adding a background and using a different, more time-consuming coloring technique than what I usually use on commission pieces of this type.

But yes, commission piece! That means no stealy!! If you're interested in getting one done for yourself, check out the post in my Livejournal here.

Finished Work
16y218d ago
Other Work By @theropicu

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