Scooby Doom: Zen Tuo and Minions by @Eternity9
Scooby Doom: Zen Tuo and Minions
Episode 19 Villain Ghost of Zen Tuo and his Minions have been turned into a Thorh and Sawk fakemons
Compared to the last villain, figuring out what to make them into was actually easy, and I'm really happy how they came out! (I even took some inspiration from Thorh and Sawk Bata design for the Boss guy)
If I were to alter this story to fit the Scooby Doom AU I would 100% rip the original Scooby Doo story apart and toss it out a window, I want these guys to have a connections to the King of Paldea and the Treasures of Ruin.
Dex: It is said that the Evil king of Paldea had a number of Pokemon under his control that were twisted by his evil. One of note is a Pokemon known as Zen Tuo it had minions that served under it.
Zen Tuo and it's minions are believed to be a Dark/fighting type.
Its unknown if Zen Tuo was a Thorh or Sawk, or another undiscovered Pokemon, but it along with it's followers did many evil deeds under the King's order. Then one day a mighty Pokemon Wielder captured and sealed them into a golden mask and hid it away hoping they would never be unleashed onto the world again.
If Scooby Doom was a T.V series the first season would be the first 1 -14 episodes (I would cut it to be 12 episodes as some of the content of Scooby Doo Episodes I couldn't rewrite into a full episode so some would just merged together to make a more interesting story, but the first season would have them in Unova their home region.
Season 2 of Scooby Doom are currently Episode 15/16/17/18/19-and beyond till I figure out when the season ends but at the moment the Gang would be in Paldea.
(I actually need to change Spaceider - Kookanid/Spooky Space Kook location as readjusting the story, they would actually be located in Paldea too, which actually makes things more fun as I can have a certain Bug Gym Leader make a Cameo!)
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