Art Fight 2024 Started off..painfully
Art Fight 2024 Started off..painfully by @Eternity9

So the reason I haven't uploaded any of my Art Fight art yet, is that I wanted to finish this comic. Which took longer to get done, as I had commission work and I was feeling utterly exhausted after Art Fight so I guess my stubborn body needed more time to recover.

But yeah I started art fight with maybe phenomena (Wasn't 100% confirmed, but wasn't ruled out), I awoke on July 1st at 4:00am feeling cold and what felt like someone had grab the side of my chest wall in a fist. It hurt a lot, 6/10 pain for me, but eased up, as long as I didn't breath deeply I was mostly fine, but would get random pain throughout the day, I first thought it was pleurisy again, as I've been getting that a lot since moving...but it felt different then my previous times and as the day went on (As I continued to stubbornly work) I was feeling a lot worse by evening. So went to the doctor next day, she thought it was muscular, but still gave me antibiotics (Which I question now, because why? if she didn't think it was anything serious? wish I had asked more, but I really didn't like this Doctor and I felt it was more than just muscular so I took the antibiotics)

So other than pain with breathing, (It hurt so much more when I started coughing as the fist like sensation started to uncramp my body started to want to cough more) I also found myself struggling to keep my body temperature regulated while this was happening, I was going back and forth feeling too cold or too hot, but eventually wearing a vest seemed to help with this issue.

But this meant I had to take a slower pace when it came to my art fights and commission work, and I didn't tell anyone because I wasn't sure if it was going to be a bigger deal or not.

But thankfully art fight decided to do an extension!!! and I got a chance to draw some more and left art fight with 249 attacks under my belt (Wish it was 250) but I just lost steam at the end, I was making too many mistakes on the revenge attack I was working on and just knew I had to leave it at that, but that just means I have 13 people on my hit list at the start of 2025 art fight. I will get my revenge on all of you!!!!

But yeah that is still a lot of art, so I'm planning to upload at least 10 art fights a day and slowly get through the hoard, so consider this your art flood warning!!!


Their were other things that happened during the month that slowed things down, but I didn't want to draw those things and I couldn't think of anything funny to portray getting stuck at the park because me and my twin lost the car keys and thought they had ended up in the bin (They were not in fact in the bin) but I wanted to make this comic as I had these ideas and really wanted to draw them, as I really want to try drawing comic's more.

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