Litwick Triplets: Trista, Sade and Dora
Litwick Triplets: Trista, Sade and Dora by @Eternity9

Litwick Triplets: Trista, Sade and Dora

Another cast members for the ‘Lost Circus AU’ though originally I had a different story in mind for them.

Their originally story (I imagined as a game) was that the player character followed their friends into an abandoned house/manor and quickly loose track of their friends after getting attacked by the local ghost Pokemon inhabiting it, they would fall unconscious and awake in the basement with these 3 talking Litwicks hanging near them.

From there it would be a race against the clock, as while the Litwicks girls are friendly and want to help the player get out of this place and find their friends, they unfortunately can’t control their ability to absorb spirit energy and are slowly draining the player health.

The Litwick sisters will protect the player as they traverse the place, the game style would have you rotate which sister to use as they have different attacks and abilities. Along the way the Player character would find 'Sanctuary Spots’ where they can heal up and be safe from ghost Pokemon attacks but you can only use a 'Sanctuary Spot’ so many times before it no longer is a safe space to hide/no longer recover health.

So from their the player character has branching story paths to choose from.

A) Locate/save friends and get out

B) Solve the mystery of the Spooky house and who the Litwick Triplets once where.

C) Do both

There would be different endings depending on what the player did/found along their journey

One where the Litwick Triplets finally move on after finally having the one responsible for their deaths defeated (He would be the big bad boss ghost Pokemon as he died and came back) another where they leave with the kids and go off to start a new afterlife away from the terrible place.


In 'Lost Circus AU’ they are triplet sister who had gone to the Circus with their parents and like all the other humans in this AU have turned into Pokemon when they were dragged to the Distortion World. These scared children just want to find their parents and go home so they will help the player character, but still have the negative side effect that they will start draining the player character health if their on their team for too long. Their benefit is that they do more damage than most companions as you have all 3 girls just taking up one battle slot, so they fire 3 attacks at once in one turn.

Story wise you eventually reunite the family before going to defeat the main boss Trista Sade and Dora the Litwick Triplets

Personality of the girls are very simple

From right to left you have Trista the eldest and very sensitive one, she has high level anxiety/insecurities and self doubts, she strongly feels that she has failed her younger sisters so now lets Sade lead the group. Sade grumpy, tomboyish (Think Buttercup from Power Puff Girls personality wise) she is now the leader of the Triplets and bosses them around. She comes across as a bit distant with the player character and doesn’t trust them at the start, but she just wants to protect her sisters and is secretly feeling very overwhelmed about what’s happening but is trying to keep it together for them. Last is Dora the youngest, she comes across as cheery and giggly always making jokes and trying to cheer her sisters up, she also seems least bothered by what has happened to them, but in reality she’s convinced herself that this is just a terrible dream and they all wake up very soon so she’s going to keep on smiling and not let a nightmare beat her.


So yeah these guys are based on this lamp from shiftythrifting tumblr post


Originally it was just going to be one Litwick, but when I realized it had other 'faces’ I made it into a set of triplets instead.


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