Kyukon Yamagotchu

fallen 2
fallen 2 by @kyukyama (Kyukon Yamagotchu)

the young woman made her way up the fire escape, tired but unable to sleep. her mind was buzzing with a feeling that she needed to go to her rooftop and sit. she often got feelings like this, and she would sit and stare at the stars for hours to clear her mind. today felt... different, somehow. as she hoisted herself over the edge, she paused in shock. a young man, completely unclothed, stared at her. he was shivering in the chilly november air, and quiet tears slipped down his cheeks. "Hey," she asked, moving towards him. "Are.. are you ok?" he simply stared at her, not even blinking. she took her coat off and draped it over his slight frame. "Come on, let's get you inside, and you can tell me your story there," she said comfortingly. the boy nodded slowly, standing. he followed her to the stair opening that led to the inside of the building, keeping his eyes downcast and not saying a word.

~the next segment of the comicy-fic illustrated thing. i got so mad at my comp cause i had a better version earlier but it died on me and killed it. didn't even go to pic recovery. ah well se la vid. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kyukon Yamagotchu

Teen (N)
Finished Work
20y348d ago
Other Work By @kyukyama

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