Jessica Hawks

Fan Art - Tristis and Rubella
Fan Art - Tristis and Rubella by @ginasadiren (Jessica Hawks)

Fan Art - Child of Light Character(s) - Tristis (Front) Rubella (Back)

I've been on a Child of Light kick recently. Got back into playing the New Game + version. More or less starting the game over at the begining, but with character levels and stats that you've learned the previous game.

I have to admit, I don't use Tristis at all really and Rubella is only in if I need to get a big quick heal. Doesn't mean I don't like the characters, they just aren't in my top two I select.

So it was surprising at 2:00 AM Saturday morning I woke up with an urge to draw these two.

I'd like to draw the rest of the characters....like to being the key words as my attention span goes all over the place.

And yes....the background effect was lazy and quick I admit. I've never been one to really like doing backgrounds that much, only on rare occasions. Plus it really isn't that fantastic of a picture. Didn't take long to do at all. I was working on it between leveling and waiting on ques in Warcraft.

Finished Work
9y128d ago
Other Work By @ginasadiren

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