Kitty Ryan

Beautiful Culture Clash
Beautiful Culture Clash by @aodhnait (Kitty Ryan)

A present for Ali Young.

Her (decidedly Anglo) character, Amyrillis, dressed in the kimono of a Gion Quarter maiko (apprentice geisha) of Kyoto.

rubs eyes It's two in the morning, and this is a sketch that just seemed to work from the word go, some five hours back. I used too many photo referenes to count, for the kimono and obi (kills obi, with a pickaxe) and the pattern is basically my own. If you look carefully, and imagine a lot, you'll see a stream/mountain theme on the outer kimono, cherry blossoms and the like on the obi (the huge, impossible sash), and the underrobe was meant to be sunblests, but that detail appears to have been lost in the scan.

The final product is going to get the full watercolour treatment. Once I'm more awake.



20y160d ago
Other Work By @aodhnait

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