Kelly Marie

The Planet...?!!..uh...I don't know
The Planet...?!!..uh...I don't know by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

okay....this is a planet I made up were it is split in two, It happened a long time ago where two different species..dogs and Cats of course...lived on the same planet but couldn't stand to live with one another because of their differences.Then one day they all snapped and broke into a war, distroying houses and plants and the population decreased rapidly, the war went on for a week when the royal counsel of both sides couldn't stand to see their people destroy each other over something so stupid. So the only thing they could think of was to split the world in two....where both sides now live their own life not having any knowelege of the other half of the planets exsistance. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kelly Marie

21y253d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

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