Ayame Suzuki

My three
My three by @minako134 (Ayame Suzuki)

Mary-Sues Ayame the Crystal Pokemon trainer, Ayame the Card Reviver, and Ayame the digidestined. Am I really a college student now? It boggles the mind.

Anyways, the Ayame on the right is most often known as "Maria" in our Digimon fanfic, the Middle Series. I made her in 2000. C.R.Ayame was made at the beginning of my senior year, in 2001. The one on the left is basically my character in my Crystal Pokemon game right now. She didn't have much of a story until recently, but I got bored with just playing the game and picked some random trainers in Kanto to follow her around in a very "Wizard of Oz" like plot (one girl and three guys. Except one has a crush on her). If you care at all (which you know you don't), The trainers are Fritz the Juggler from that one ship, Fidel the Psychic, and Ethan the...weird guy with long black hair and long cloak. Can't remember his title. Anyway, yeah. Fun stuff.

Finished Work
21y336d ago
Other Work By @minako134

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