Blaze Hedgehog

Sexay Violet. Sort of.
Sexay Violet. Sort of. by @blazehgehg (Blaze Hedgehog)

Some of you might've heard of SAGE, the Sonic Amateur Games Expo. Well, I'm the creator of it -- or at least I was. I gave it up because it became too much work.

But, I still participate as a booth maintainer in the expo itself, showing off my games. As a result I try to keep an E3 tradition up -- Boothbabes. This was my Boothbabe for the September SAGE last year (2001). Sooner or later I should upload the Boothbabe I had for this past SAGE (March 2002). Same girl, different pose, different clothes.

Rated this 'cause she's not technically nude, and you can't really see much of anything, but it's still a pretty skin tight peice of clothing. Plus people always whine about that camel toe down there. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Blaze Hedgehog

Teen (N)
Finished Work
22y45d ago
Other Work By @blazehgehg

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