Li Chi Son

Fear the wrath of Pencil-Drawn-Body Woman!!! MUAHHAHAHHA!
Fear the wrath of Pencil-Drawn-Body Woman!!! MUAHHAHAHHA! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

-_-, it's been so long since i have added something big and decent! Well...it's no longer super blown up like my previous drawings so less detail caused by the strunk picture.

Hey hey Bro bro!!! Some candy eye for you so you know how three eyes looks like!!! PWETTY!!!! hearts It's a way to make it up for two days of no show for rping :P (fell asleep from all the hwk from university)

I'm still learning to correct my body proportion so I realy needed to draw her body with pencil. "the whole body consists of 7 heads only." From the top of the head to the hip, it is only 3 heads so I had some major fixing up to do (I thought it was 3 1/2 heads)

I really really like this. CANDY EYE!!! (I'm thinking of making it a chapter page for the huge book about the rpg, but I'm not too sure. It doesn't scream special unlike the other two I have drawn already and needs to be scanned)

I can only say one certain thing about colour, her hair is supposed to be white with gold streaks. :P that is all I can say.....

P.S. I have doodled her in the past and her eyes totally changed...no clue why, thye seem angrier than her old "Psycho happy sleepy eyes that say I will eat you alive and enjoy it"

N e hoo, enjoy!!!

Finished Work
21y308d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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