Jessica Patterson

Meet Me In the Red Room
Meet Me In the Red Room by @dreamaria (Jessica Patterson)

Description copied from devart, because I am lazy:

This took me all FRICKEN DAY. Well, I took a few hour break and went horse back riding. And stuff. Then there was about a 2 hour time period where it just sat there in Adobe cos I had no idea what to do for a bg. I plan on redoing the bg, I just don't know what to make it :/

Gah. I can say I am actually PROUD of this. SCORE FOR ME.

Ahh. I am so glad this is done. I feel so accomplished. And I actually semi LIKE this. So scorex2! XP

I wanted to write a quote on it. I was debating between "I believe you were expecting me?", "No need to worry, I'm a -professional-" "The show can start as soon as I see money on the table" or, just, "Meet me in the red room?"

The room itself had to be -red-..but I felt it clashed with the bed too much..so I was like..ehh..oh well..


Inspired by none other than..Moulin Rouge. :3 Download "Meet Me In the Red Room" to get where all this is coming from. It's a cool song =D Artwork © Copyright 2003 Jessica Patterson

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y140d ago
Other Work By @dreamaria

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