Alicia Zillhart

Dracatomon by @aliczill (Alicia Zillhart)

Dracatomon is from my own fanfic of Digimon, Digimon Season 4: New Age Tamers. Basically its been a long time and digimon have been fogotten by the children and parents and so on. But an old mysterious shop keeper bribes Kat into buying a little device and a blue card. She heard his story and didn't really believe him untill she swiped the blue card. Then she saw for herself, there infront of her was a digimon, her digimon. Dracatomon stands around 6 foot, with a very long tail. He is a data type digimon, and well the first ever male digimon with a female tamer that I have seen.

Finished Work
21y343d ago
Other Work By @aliczill

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