Evelyne McCauley

Sad Alison
Sad Alison by @evelmcca (Evelyne McCauley)

Pic of Alison,depressed.Thats cuz of her background story.....heres how it goes....Alison was born in Churchill,Manitoba,Canada.When she was 5,her parents got divorced.Her mother moved away in anotehr country,nobody knows wich one exactly.Alison ran away from home because she was pissed at her parents.When she came back,she found her father,on the floor,dead,in a puddle of blood,with a gun in his hand.Since that day,Alison started training herself.She became more and more agressive and strong.She took large interests into Beyblading,arm-wrestling,boxing,and ghost stories.The only ones who understand her are her team:Robyn,Whisper,Kimmi,and Domino.Shes somewhat bond to her Bit Beast Garthtul,wich she found in her old birthstone ring.Alison is kinda anti-social.....she mostly hates Kai,because she thinks hes a cheater and a fake jerk(because she beat him once at an arm-wrestling contest...),amd Tim and Doug,the two guys from a Scottish team named the Redheads,Serenade's older twin brothers,because they both have a crush on Alison.Good thing Alison knows how to defend herself.....anyways.Never -EVER- pronounce the words "family" or "parents" in front of her. (I drew this on oekaki,but I forgot a few details,so I added'em on Adobe Photoshop.)

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Evelyne McCauley

21y316d ago
Other Work By @evelmcca

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