Chris T.E.

My Char Roulette
My Char Roulette by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)

She's one of my characters that never really gets drawn much (or very well, for that matter...), so I decided to draw her as best as I could; i say it came out nice. ^_^ as for the background, I couldn't think of anything. :-|Oh well.

Her name's Mari "Roulette" Wilson (but always called Roulette). She earned her nickname for her natural and uncanny ability to be lucky; she doesn't know how it happens, nor does she really care. But, she uses it to her advantage while fighting, or gambling. Her and Chelley are girl friends; friends that are girls. Get it? ;-) Also, deep down, she has a little crush on a certain scientifically advanced bandicoot who goes by the name of Beaker... But tries not to show it at all, and does a good job of it. She hangs out a lot with Danier, and sometimes Crash, but tries to steer clear from Baron; his demonic background gives her the willies. Lol

21y314d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

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