Latimas AU: Jump Scare
Latimas AU: Jump Scare by @Eternity9

Lati-Emmet didn’t know where he was, the Warp Trap had sent him somewhere he no longer believed was the dungeon he had been exploring. It was dark and forested, a sound like drums beating in the distance, but no matter how much he tried finding the source, he seemed to never get closer.

Where ever he was it seemed to loop, he tried finding a way out but always came back around to where he started and while the odd structures in the place made decent landmarks it just meant he was going in circles.

Also their were these strange pieces of paper he had started to collect posted around on trees and some of the structures, honestly the art wasn’t that good, who ever drew them needed to get drawing tips from a Smeargle. But it was the only possible clue that could lead to his escape from this place…or he would like to believe so as their was nothing else to find in this desolate location.

No Pokemon, no items not even other traps, just trees, sounds of drums, odd structures and a strange high pitched noise that was starting to get louder-

“Those belongs to me” A voice like static spoke, just audio over the ringing noise that was growing louder as Lati-Emmet jumped at the surprise voice.

Turning around to be face to face? with a strange looking Pokemon. It looked similar to a Suicune but dark and scary looking also it had no eyes or mouth-weird.

“Those belongs to me” it repeated again, one of its dark tendrils moving to point at the papers in his claws.

“Oh” Lati-Emmet didn’t hesitate in handing the papers to the strange Pokemon, feeling a bit guilty at the unintended theft of its ‘Art’

“I am Lati-Emmet…er sorry about that” He watched as the Pokemon tucked the papers into the mound of withering shadows shifting from its back.

“Do you know how-” Before Lati-Emmet could finish the creature shouted

*“Now get out of my forest!!!” *the high ringing noise Lati-Emmet had almost tuned out grew painfully loud, forcing him to cover his ears, as a dark aura emitted from the strange Pokemon surrounding them obscuring the area in darkness and soon all Lati-Emmet could see was black.

Before the need to panic could set in, Lati-Emmet blinked and he was outside, outside the dungeon he had been exploring earlier, the sun high above his head while a gentle breeze flowed past rustling the leaves and grass near him, everything was so clam and peaceful.

Lati-Emmet stared for a moment at the dungeon entrance, briefly contemplating if any of that had actually happened and deciding he wasn’t going to push his luck today. So turning away from the dungeon and heading back home he had a bit of an uneasy feeling in his chest…like he was lucky to be leaving at all…


Another Cameo of my Slendercune!

I actually imagine Slendercune to be a 'Neutral’ Nature creature, it is neither truly evil, but neither is it your friend exactly it, only dose things to suit its self.

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