Mary P

Picnic Part 2
Picnic Part 2 by @Baby_succubus (Mary P)

The second part

Up in the sky Air is making a fuss about how cute little Squemon is. Mon whos a little attention whore is having the time of his life flying around doing tricks to get more compliments.

Down on the ground Ren is having a miserable time amongst all the sun and laughter and is trying to come up with an excuse for why she cant come to the next picnic. Beside her Johannas finally relaxing as she looks at Gabriel and thinks about what their wedding would look like(not that she would ever admit it). Gabriel is happily dead to the world as he leans against Jos legs and sleeps.

On a somewhat shorter hill Bill is playing his guitar and enjoying the undivided attention of his new found fan base. The creator of said fan base, Una, is quickly gaining affection for the soft pink human who creates such pretty music(the affection is not extended to the rest of the humanity) on the other side BlueLemur is also enjoying the music and trying to come up with a way to make money of it.

Near the pool Julien is proudly presenting his hard earned grapes(unlike the barrel of apples only 1 grape was brought and there was a huge battle for it) Lela is very impressed and showers him with compliments. With her in the pool is Water who is loudly sleeping of last nights party(she snores).

Finished Work
18y199d ago
Other Work By @Baby_succubus

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