Elizabeth Dlouhy

Do You Dare
Do You Dare by @elizdlou (Elizabeth Dlouhy)

One of those expressions where you want to scream in real life but you know that no matter how loud you scream, it will still be stifled. So artistically it is more satisfying to express how you feel through yourself.

Not too many people know this side of me unless they read my words on my LJ, but I hate to be belittled or made to feel inferior when I know and feel that I am actually the one superior in intellectual capacity. But what can you do? People will always crush you under their heels if they know they are in a more powerful position than you.

I'm really happy with how this came out though, the clouds took the most time, but they came out nice as well I think. I wanted to portray Scully in a somewhat powerful stance to show her amazing quantity of intellectual intelligence and the anger she feels when people try to overcome it, because that's how I feel sometimes, even though I may not look it from the outside wearing my everything's-okay-I'm-always-happy-go-lucky mask.

Lines done in pchat, coloring in photoshop 6.0

Finished Work
18y256d ago
Other Work By @elizdlou

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