Rebecca Mason

Me, Charlotte and Bryony as Streetfighters and Darkstalkers.
Me, Charlotte and Bryony as Streetfighters and Darkstalkers. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Heh, this is from a quiz from a game called "Pocket Fighters" that me, Charlotte and Bryony took and it said which StreetFighter or Darkstalker we were like, Charlotte's one came up as Ken, Dan and sometimes Ibuki, Bryony's one came up as Ryu or Ibuki and my one came up as Felicia, Hsien-Ko and Chun-Li, I started drawing this around 9: 15 p.m ....and finished it sometime after 10:00 p.m ^^ Most of the stances are inspired from the Pocket Fighters game (It's where you play as chibi versions of the Darkstalkers and Street Fighters ^^) Bryony (as Ryu) is about to fire a "Hadoken" (kinda like the Kamehameha from Dragonball Z) Bryony (as Ibuki) about to whack someone with a fan ( from Pocket Fighters), Charlotte as Ken doing his peace sign as a victory (from Street Fighter Alpha 3) Charlotte as Dan doing his thumbs up pose as a victory (from Pocket Fighters), Charlotte as Ibuki doing her (what we call) Possesed Doll move (from Pocket Fighters), Me as Hsien-Ko doing one of her many victory poses (From Darkstalkers and Pocket Fighters), me as Felicia doing her Paw-up victory pose (From Pocket Fighters) and me as Chun-Li doing a victory pose where she jumps up and down and then does the peace sign (although I slipped up a bit on that and it was getting late) only I done me doing two peace signs (next I'll try the one where she says " Gomennai" which translates as " Sorry about that" ) Enjoy ^_^

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y96d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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