Jett the Pink Bagon
Jett the Pink Bagon by @Eternity9

Jett the Pink Bagon

Name: Jett
Gender: Female
Race:  Pokemon - Bagon

Jett a competitive Pink Bagon, loves sports and wants to reach her full potential and evolve into a Salamence some day. 


Do you know what's funny about Jett? she's actually a character I've had in the back of my mind as long as Dizzy the Charmander has been around who is over a decade old!! but I have never drawn her until this year! and its so she could be a part of Art Fight!

So what's the story behind Jett? why haven't I drawn her before now....well I think its a combination of Bagon's are what I consider Ugly/Cute type and can look bad if you don't draw them right (Anyone who has seen the ref I drew for her will know what I mean it looks bad) (Also I was kind of in a rush to draw her ref, so that probably didn't help) and that she's inspired by an video game character. I'm not telling you who, she doesn't have anything in common with that character anymore, she's her own thing now, but I think that origin or 'what' inspired her still haunts me a bit. But as I have fully in braced making characters based/theme on other characters I guess I feel less guilty about it now.


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