Jackson Ditso
Jackson Ditso by @Eternity9

Jackson Ditso of the Lost Circus, a former human now turned Pokemon after Giratina dragged a whole Circus and it’s audience/visitors into the distortion world.

Jackson was a clown working for the Circus and like all the other humans that got taken, woke up as a Pokemon in the distortion world with his memories a bit fuzzy/lacking in certain area’s though unlike most of the humans-turned-Pokemon he’s a Hybrid.

Jackson is a Zoroark/Hisuian Zoroark Hybrid (Ghost/Dark type) though he doesn’t know that, he just thinks he’s some weird Zoroark.

I honestly imagine the story he’s a part of as a game.

Pokemon: Lost Circus

I imagine as a Mystery Adventure game, where you’ll team up with several of the Performers/Guest of the Circus to find a way out of the Distortion World and back to your own. The player character would wake up in the distortion world after ‘talking’ to a mysterious ball of light, then find out they are the only human that exist at the Lost Circus but also have no memories of who they were before.

The first person they’ll encounter will be Jackson who saves the player from some 'Fallen’ who tried to attack the player character.

Jackson basically helps the Player Character through the tutorial section of the game and explains what 'Fallen’ are. 'Fallen’ basically look like heartless from Kingdom Hearts game but as Pokemon, they were former Performers/Guest, but have fully forgotten themselves and 'Fallen’ to darkness as they’ve found the longer they are here the more and more that people after forgetting who they are and succumb to the Distortion world.

People have tried leaving the Circus, but Giratina stops anyone from leaving, it’s unknown why Giratina is doing this, but Jackson believes it connected to the Ringmaster who know one has seen since waking up in the distortion world, he believes the Ringmaster is responsible and did something to tick off the renegade Pokemon.

Anyway Jackson will leave the player character 'Party’ once they are in the designated 'safe zone/hub area’

The set up for the party loadout is the same as the main Pokemon games as you can only have 6 members on your team, but this game you don’t catch Pokemon, you befriend human-turned-Pokemon at the Circus who you can pick and choose to have on your team.

Some will have certain abilities useful for different areas, but also 'Cons’ like some may have effects to the team that might be negative and therefore are only good to be on the team for a short while.

Also the player character will have their own health bar and unique abilities they can do.

I think I leave it here for now, as this is getting long, but I’m having some fun idea’s for this strange story.


Okay so yeah I saw a photo of this clown sculpture (Shown/linked below) and my brain took me on adventure., so you can blame this clown for starting this story idea.

Jackson design is based on this clown sculpture

Photo from shiftythrifting tumblr post https://shiftythrifting.com/post/49832456735


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