Katie Kat

The Anime Club Sleepovers
The Anime Club Sleepovers by @katikat (Katie Kat)

This picture was inspired by the sleepovers that my other anime loving friends and I have. >^.^< They are quite insane, loud, and full of inside jokes. I like how the hands at the top turned out! I can never draw hands that well! o.o

From left to right, starting at the top: Lee does her "disappearing act" while Christina ignores us (Short hair) & Alicia (Ponytail) can hear us (but pretends to ignore us ^.~) as they work on their stories. Hayley (whose name I spelled wrong here! GOMEN! ^^;;) frolics about with a Pepsi box on her head (This happened in reality, folks), while I laugh. Kate is oblivious to everything as she chugs her favorite soda (Mountain Dew!) down while Aimee draws her awesome drawings, and Tomiko (the most mature) plots everybodies death for their annoying antics.

GLOMPS her friends who might be reading this I love you guys!!! >^.^<

Rough / Concept
22y314d ago
Other Work By @katikat

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