Silver Pixi

Sha Gojyo
Sha Gojyo by @pixieangel (Silver Pixi)

Another Saiyuki boy! glomps ^__^ Jup- Sha Gojyo (if you couldn't tell by the face then you at least should've known by the title)-I modeled this picture from a deck of Saiyuki playing/trading cards and changed 2 elements: 1.- I took the cigarette out of his mouth- no matter how sexy Gojyo might be, its just a nasty habit -.- and dangerous in the long run. 2.- Er...I didn't draw the card background nor did i give him a body- suddenly he's reminding me of the 3 floating heads back at Chang'an minus the crimson chakras hehe...

I can't say this is a perfect picture of him...though I am somewhat proud of it. I'm liking his expression- you almost can't really tell what it means (a mona lisa of sorts, ne?). Is it...come hither? is it, "I just got laid, or I'm about to"? maybe its, "I got a GREAT hand of cards here.." shrugs ah well.

Done with mech. #2 pencil, colored with prismacolor pencils, and made shiny by lots of rubbing with a tissue. ^_^

Finished Work
20y125d ago
Other Work By @pixieangel

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