
A Love Triangle *cough* Excuse me, 'story'.
A Love Triangle *cough* Excuse me, 'story'. by @SylverKitsune (Sylver)

This is a gift from me to a buddeh of mine named Intr0, and to whomever may look at it (I can think of a few who would find it very amusing!) Yes. Now. My two characters are the ones on the left and middle, named Golden and Maruki. Intr0's character is Kiriiko, seen on the far right. Golden = vindicative, sultry, seductive temptress who seems to be obsessed with Maruki. Maruki = Happy with Kiriiko, flattered but uninterested (And fairly frightened of) Golden. Kiriiko = I can't say for sure as she's not me char, but from what I've seen - full of Golden-hatred, extremely protective of Maruki and jealous, but otherwise very sweet and meek - just don't hit her over the head with a brick.

((Inside joke. Shall explain if asked. Really quite hilarious. ^_^))

Finished Work
20y282d ago
Other Work By @SylverKitsune

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