Tim Fewell

Hammerfall flirting with Sally
Hammerfall flirting with Sally by @Timothius (Tim Fewell)

Ok... so I've been involved in some weird stuff. But to explain this pic, here is the story: I used to be on AOL Instant Messenger (Do NOT ask me to go back to it) and when I was, these guys who claimed to be Sally fans contacted me and asked me if I'd like to help make a fan-made Sally comic. I like Sally. She is cool. But the direction these guys went was too much... they wanted a Tenchi storyline with Sally is the "Tenchi" of the story. In other words, a bunch of boys (possibley with awesome powers) fighting over poor Sally. I really didn't want to go that way with a Sally comic. Would rather show her useful side like SatAM did. Each person involved in the comic was to make a character that represented themselves. Mine, of course, was going to be Timothius. But I don't see Timothius fighting other guys over a crush on any girl. So I suggested he be the "Sasami" of the series, where he is quiet and reserved. But eventually, I just got tired of the whole thing. Nobody agreed on how to do things. It was just a bunch of Sally fans who disagreed on too much and just wanted to chat really. Eventually, the topic wasn't even about the comic most of the time. Anyhow... Hammerfall was the main guy in charge of this project. So I drew this before leaving the doomed-to-fail project.

Rough / Concept
21y85d ago
Other Work By @Timothius

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