Milla Miettinen

Pinja the pet rabbit
Pinja the pet rabbit by @Vastatuuli (Milla Miettinen)

Pinja, the other one of my two pet rabbits. (Both of them are dwarves with lop ears and were born in spring 2001.) He's a male which is a ridiculous thing, though, because Pinja is actually a girl name. But when we got the two little ones we were unsure of which was the male and which was the female, and so we gave them these names and when we finally found out the truth it was too late to change them. So Pinja remains Pinja and it doesn't really matter if Kessi is a male or a female because it isn't a real name.

About the drawing. Pinja's ears are a little too long, but otherwise he looks quite like himself. The image isn't of the best quality, what a shame. I guess I couldn't use the machine when I scanned the pic...

Finished Work
20y215d ago
Other Work By @Vastatuuli

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