Hayley Price

Otome no Inori! AGAIN!
Otome no Inori! AGAIN! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

Hey, if at first you don't succeed (or maybe FELT like you hadn't succeeded), Get Along, Try Again!

Catrine and Rumiko, singing the Otome no Inori, 'This Maiden's Prayer'. This image could easily be classified as Fanart, seeing as how the song and costumes are from the Slayers and Rumiko is basically an Inu-Yasha fan character, but it would be to confusing to sort out and disappointing for people searching for REAL fanart. And you all know how much I hate disappointing the people! is lying, doesn't even know HERSELF how much she hates disappointing the people

Oh and . . . THIS WAS DONE WITH NEW MARKERS! I got a handful of new $3 art pens! Still don't have the entire light spectrum, but the colors in this picture are MUCH more accurate . . . lighter blue, darker pink, better fleshtone . . . and the artwork itself is nicer.

Not to mention the choreography is getting more polished . . .

22y116d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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