EvolovE 1313

Bix Vega!
Bix Vega! by @evol1313 (EvolovE 1313)

What a cool name...

Erm, yeah, sorry ah didn't ask to draw her, Shannon... But I've only seen I think 2 pics of her and ah was like "Nnno! Ah need more Biiix!!!" I have no clue why this pic is so..pink... She doesn't even look like a raver. -__-;;

And just for future references you guys, eating a lot of grapes do NOT make you drunk! I've tried... I haven't felt this sick since 1973... Yes, I'm aware I wasn't even alive then, but YOU don't know that! AWOAHAHAHA!!!

Oh and ya know what? (holy long comment... so sue me, I'm bored) Everytime I zoom in on my pics-- it ALWAYS zooms in on the tits! I think my computer is a perv... O.o shrugs

Finished Work
21y318d ago
Other Work By @evol1313

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