Plush Girl

chibiesh legolas
chibiesh legolas by @plush_girl (Plush Girl)

I'm still working on this, just a bit of fun I suppose.

I always wanted to do a chibi, but this didn't turn out that chibiesh did it! oh well. Its still um, well it looks like legolas I guess. I was going to add myself dressed up as legolas in this picture.

The reason for this is because I had to dress up as legolas for my buddies lotr party lol :).

So thats why its work in progress.

I am aware the background is cheap, just something quick I wiped up in flash.

This is also a lead up to my new makings, the fellowship in drag XD You'll understand if you've seent eh film, "priscilla" hugo weaving (elrond) plays a drag queen in teh film, I laughed so much when I realized it was him :) Artwork © Copyright 2003 Plush Girl

21y144d ago
Other Work By @plush_girl

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