Alexandra Amyot

Some sketchs
Some sketchs by @Lexy_chan (Alexandra Amyot)

These are some sketchs I did while I was waiting the right time to get out of my house and walk to school.....I'll explain each of them:

1: It's the one with the guy blushing, actually beacause he's half naked. So....he's eventually my boyfriend, I wanted to see how he would look like as a GoGo boy*lol* really cute!! But for this pic, I wasn't really waiting for school, but my mom...she went shopping in a store I realy don't like...so I waited for her in the car and I drew this!!

2: The girl with dark hair, I drew this one while I was watching the so cute anime "Hamtaro", yup...this anime play just before I have to go to school....so I though it would pass the time faster!

3: The girl with long hair, it's me!!=^-^= I really love the way I drew my eyes.....well it's actually like Laura's eyes from Hamtaro, well that's what I tried to drew!!lol And like the second drawing, I drew this one while I was watching Hamtaro. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Alexandra Amyot

21y262d ago
Other Work By @Lexy_chan

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