Cassie Nopoly

Sorrow of the blind
Sorrow of the blind by @andany (Cassie Nopoly)

Heeh, my first try on nudity. Im still wondering why i actually did this... Oh, and fear my cheap-ass backgrounds! i just wasnt in the mood to do a right one, so i just played around withs oem colors and brushes, and it isnt suposed to look like they are deep in a forest, Andany wouldnt ever walk around al naked in a forest o_O" Okay and now to the title! Why is it called Sorrow? Cuz Kiva remembered some bad times of his 5000 years of live as andany asked him bout his family or something O_o And why of the blind? To find the answer you gota look deep into Kivas eyes... Yes, he is blind. Never drew him with bald eyes but now i will ^^" I bet no one of you ever knew he was :P Oh well o_o" Ah yes, and about kivas position, dont bug me bout it like Bibishii-chan did, its just some position i came up with in 5 seconds. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Cassie Nopoly

Teen (N)
Finished Work
20y362d ago
Other Work By @andany

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