Dead from basketball by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)
Drew this after a physical education class where we played basketball. It's not really my favorite sport... but I suppose it's better than soccer in a gym or handball(dunno what that is o.O).
Um.. yes. Well, in this class, we were practicing our passes and we played a lil round after that. When we were passing the orange ball to one another, I didn't catch the ball the right way so it chiped(yes, chipped o.o;) my thumb nail. It does hurt.. x-x Then we played a round. Someone throwed the ball to score but it somehow bounced off downwards very fast and hit my left cheek. And because I had my karate class the night before, I was very dead at the end of the class...
Hurrah for basketball......? X_x;; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Cyr
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