Karen Kyoto

Psychopath Karen
Psychopath Karen by @karekyot (Karen Kyoto)

Yeah, I rated it 'teen' because the shirt she's (I'm??) wearing might offend some people (I know it would offend my brother if I showed him the picture). I guess I also rated it 'teen' because she (I??) look...Well...Crazy? shrugs I like this picture for some reason... nods Yes I do. Hmm...I look like a fennec fox more than a red fox...Maybe I should change it...? thinks Nah! :b Tomorrow my family (except my dad and my grandma) and my cousin's family are going to Myrtle Beach. My mom's friend Jeff is going with us too. I'm not really excited like everybody else, but I mean, my brother wants Jeff to come, I guess I shouldn't mind... sighs Oh well. This will be my last upload for today and this week. Yeah.

Teen (O)
22y11d ago
Other Work By @karekyot

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