Laguna Barr

Behold the cuteness of KIKI!! (or Kevin, whichever you prefer)
Behold the cuteness of KIKI!! (or Kevin, whichever you prefer) by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)

Yes.... I did Beyblade fanart mock gasps I'm sorry I know I know... but I just flicked it on and fell in love with Kevins character. I mean come on he almost got himself beaten up by Tyson in the space of a few seconds... that has to be a record for anyone before ^^

Oh and I also like his "crazy monkey" attack That's just cool... he's a trickster and a loveable one too.. as Kevin then steals muns wallet Hey you get back here you little thief!! chases

Oh and there are other things... two penguins having a showdown and Pacman eating cheese and a piccy of ME!! ahem with Kevin/Kiki/sandwich


Rough / Concept
21y115d ago
Other Work By @Axenblade

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