Jen Lindahl

Usagi by @Friday_Night (Jen Lindahl)

This is a picture of Usagi, from Sailor Moon. :) Done about a month after the previous one with a slightly different style, but for the same contest (contest site - http://members.tripod.com/~svmoon4/contests.htm)..) :p This is Usagi as a seamstress. ^_^ I don't like this one as much as the other two. mleh Overall it's alright I guess, but the details are what I like about it...for example, the measuring tape on the dressmaker's dummy, the spools of thread, the needle with the red thread hanging off, the pin cushion, the pins in the arm of a different dummy, etc. ;) I messed up on the chick's skirt while I was outlining it, which made me mad. I was trying to make it look like tulle, and the bottom was gonna be lighter than the top, but I failed. So I whited the messy lines out and coloured over top of it, which made the pencil crayon go funny, but kinda resulted in a textured look, so whatever. :s The worst part of this drawing is the mirror. I absolutely hate the way it's done...it just looks sloppy, not blurred like it's supposed to. ^^;;

Finished Work
22y162d ago
Other Work By @Friday_Night

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