Seize Them!
Seize Them! by @Eternity9

Queen Froslass sits upon her icy throne leering down at her 'guests' as they enter her personal domain. Their low mutterings echoing off the icy walls as they look around with both fear and awe, She guesses she couldn’t blame them for gawking; her castle is made of beautifully sculptured ice one would think they were made by human architects rather than the Queen.

But today she is in no mood for company and the only reason Queen Froslass is permitting them to enter her throne room is because her royal duties dictate she needs to humor the common-mons for a montent, they are still her subjects and she their Queen after all. 

Surrounding her on all sides of the room are Ice type Gallade guards, standing to attention, with how still and stiff they stood you would easily mistake them for statues, but the Queen dispels that illusion quickly with a wave of her paw, directing two guards to stand by the entrance to which her ‘guests’ had come in from. 

The leader of the group of Pokemon, an old weary looking Watchog bows his head to her, she can't tell if he is shaking out of fear or the cold, neither of which she cares for.

"My Queen" he begs "I ask that you hold back your winter and let the spring and summer arrive, our kin need to replenish our food stocks and other supplies we-" She cuts him off with one raised paw.

“You want me to stop my winters? You want me to let the harsh sun scorch the earth again, do you remember what these lands looked like before I arrived?”

“Yes, my Queen, your wonderful winter frost saved us from the land turning into a desert, but I fear we are becoming a desert of snow and not sand if things keep presiting” 

“And how is that a bad thing?” 

“My-My Queen-”

"If my subjects can't survive my ice and snow, then they are no subjects of mine, its simple, if you can’t live here, and leave" 

“You can’t be serious, this is our home, my family has lived here for generations-”

“I do not care, either adapt, leave or die, those are your options, these lands are mine now to do as I wish and my ice type subjects don’t have any issues with the conditions they now live in, so If you have a problem, leave and be a nuisance somewhere else.”  

“I-I understand my Queen” head bowed further in defeat as the old Watchog turned back to the other Pokemon gathering them back to the exit, the guards already stepping aside when a voice unfortunately too loud among the low distressed mutterings was clearly heard. 

“What a witch” the words struck like an arrow piercing the peace in the room and exploding into a maelstrom. 

“Who said that!?” the Queen Shouted in anger, snow starting to form and swirl with the confines of the room as she floated down from her throne 

Quickly the elder reached the culprit, a young Patrat, he stood between her and the young rodent.  

“My Queen, pardon the young one-”

“Silence, I showed you kindest by letting you in my home, I showed you mercy by letting you leave, and yet you dare insult me, Guards Seize Them! Take them to the dungeon, I’ll decide later whether or not they will be added to my hall of ice sculptures”  


A very random idea popped into my head and I had to draw it, at least I gave me an excuse to draw my Queen Froslass and Mythale Gallade again, also I regret not drawing a background for this >.<


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