
saturday 6th, july 2024
saturday 6th, july 2024 by @rrrivverr (rrrrrrrriver)

i can never decide what songs to listen to so i mainly just put my liked songs on shuffle (´-ω-`)
theres still like a crazy ton of artists i didnt put on here, my absolute favorite is h4rtbrkr though!!
i love h4rtbrkr so insanely much its insane, so far he's the only artist ive come back to at EVERY point in my life (since i knew his stuff at least)

this was pretty fun to draw! kinda used this as a little in-between doodle in a bigger illustration that im working on for artfight ^w^

this was drawn on my ipad pro 11" using ibis paint x!

Finished Work
21d9m ago
Other Work By @rrrivverr

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