JC Robinson

What a Trio!
What a Trio! by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

This is (in order of left to right) Valc, Mek, and Tome.

Mek is the tallest invader in Zim's class and Valc and Tome are his lackies I guess since invaders aren't supposed to have friends. Mek has one eye that is a little higher than the other and his eyes are squarish like a Tallests. He's pretty well liked because of height social order.

Valc is a mean little bastard and although Mek is really more of a rival to Zim, Valc is vicious enough for the entire trio. Think Roger's role in Lord of the Flies. Valc always has his eyes narrowed in eternal anger and he has a fatter head than a normal invader. He looks like he's saying "Today is a fine day for some dooming!"

GAH!! Horrible picture of Tome! Horrible! There will be better later I promise! ;.; Anyway, Tome is kind of out of place with this bunch. He goes along with the group just because he can. He's a lot smarter than the other two but he's more silent. He is supposed to somewhat resemble a grey with his large head and oddly shaped eyes.

These three are the biggest antagonists in Zim's story "A League of his Own". Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

22y116d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

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