Rebecca Mason

Er....did we just step into a Myth book..or something?!!
Er....did we just step into a Myth book..or something?!! by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

:: Laughs:: This is based on an RP with Charlotte, Trowa accidently typed something in the teleporter then most of them were all transformed into Greek Mytholigy creatures. Tien's a Minotaur (with three eyes), Wufei's a Harpie (although he looks to be crossed with a chicken ^^; ) , Quatre's a Flying Horse ( A Pegasus) , Quartina and Bardock sorta switched genders ^^;; so Quartina became a boy and Bardock became a girl, Vegeta is a dragon (with his same hairstyle ^^; ) , S. Kai is a Centaur (Horse-man) , Heero's a knight and Duo's a wolf ^^. Piccolo's a Griffon (but he came in when the spell was less effective..so he kept his Namek head..and some of his training gi ^^; ) , Goku's a Cerebus (the three headed dog), Katrina is a cherub (with an added diaper..e-heh), Little Jeice is a little devil, Yamcha..is a faun ( or a Satyr), Krillin's a monkey, Goten (Teen Goten) is a Unicorn, Radditz..kinda became a wood nymph (wood fairy) and became a female..of course ^^; and as you can see..it's come as a great shock to him , Gohan became a male version of Medusa and he's horrified with what's happened to his hair and Trowa's a lion ^_^.

Finished Work
22y91d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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