Fiona Mellis

Happy B*Day Janine! >^_^<
Happy B*Day Janine! >^_^< by @Fizzlepop (Fiona Mellis)

I'm doing this animation course thing for the week and I met a gal called Janine there. Its her birthday today so last night I had 2 sleepless hourse doing this the scan was much bigger so I shrinked it down. I like the graffiti, didn't make it complicated so she could read it, lol. Its meant to be..sorta her...her hair is darker, curlier though and the rest looks nothing like her, but she wanted her belly button pierced and have a butterfly tatoo on her shoulder so I added them on for fun, I couldn't fit the 'Made in Hartlepool' tatoo on her leg though, not enough leg. I'm gonna find it hard the let go of this pic, one of my favourites :( Yes I did a human slow clap from audience well, I tried!!! >^_^<;;;;

Finished Work
22y292d ago
Other Work By @Fizzlepop

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