Beka Spake

The Chaplain of Cobra
The Chaplain of Cobra by @Zpan_Sven (Beka Spake)

A character sheet of my Cobra character Chaplain ^^

Bio (in progress)

CODENAME: CHAPLAIN FILE NAME: Deheune, Sophia GRADE: O-3 SN: classified PRIMARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Religious Services Specialist SECONDARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Evacuation Specialist BIRTHPLACE: classified GENDER: female HAIR: blonde EYES: green HEIGHT: 5'6"

WEIGHT: 140 pounds

Chaplain is the codename for a woman who serves as COBRA's Chaplain and all around religious/spiritual adviser. Apparently it was she who managed to persuade COBRA Commander to give COBRA a more "family" appeal, and make them seem less like terrorists and more like freedom fighters in third world countries and to those who already had Anti-American stands, gaining more recruits to fill the ranks of COBRA. Under her advice, the Medi-Vipers Corps were created, decreasing the rate of COBRA casualties. While a generally peaceful woman -- she carries no weapon on her person while off the battlefield -- she is, however, known to carry a saber, sidearm, and rifle on the battlefield to protect her 'flock'. As well as being highly trained in bladed weapons, the Chaplain is rated as a classified specialist in NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms, and known to shoot to wound and not kill.

"Not much is known about the Chaplain, only that she is known as COBRA's PR specialist and seems to act as a spiritual adviser among the troops, even performing marriages, funerals, and other religious ceremonies for them. Its been reported that she writes and sends letters along with the ashes of the COBRA soldiers that die in battle to their families."

Finished Work
10y362d ago
Other Work By @Zpan_Sven

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