Facist Dictator

Dance With The Stars
Dance With The Stars by @lamejuice (Facist Dictator)

Your exterior is hard and fast while your interior will never last. The poisonous venom that flows in your veins spikes the addiction that I know you crave. The noxious gases that you inhale destroy your brain cells and they make you pale. So take this advice and clean up your act. Start paying your dues. Learn to love and respect the thing you have. I'll admit that I'm afraid of dying but a life worth living is a life that's worth fighting for so I'll take my chances and I'll let you know that I'm not that easy, I'm the one in control. Now how does that sit with you? Does it hit close to home? Does it make you shake and lose control? Now take your time getting over the fact that you're dead and you'll never be sober so do another line, pretend you can fly. Leap through the window.. I can't watch you die. So tell me again, what goes through your head? "Nothing at all," is what she said. Now she's kind of clueless to the things that she's done, the places she's been, her infamous run with the devil's men. Now I know that you haven't had the best life but you also haven't had the worst life and to sit here and watch you die slowly, but surely, it tears me apart. It tears us all apart. Now there's nothing you can do and I realize that but there is something you can do. May the wind be at your back and the sun upon your face and my the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

Finished Work
17y109d ago
Other Work By @lamejuice

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