CyberCorn Entropic

Fish Study 3
Fish Study 3 by @Roadstripe (CyberCorn Entropic)

In mysterious seas hidden from our mundane view, strange fish swim about their business.

Lighting the depths of the darkest waters, [b]lanternfish[/b] glow brightly, flitting hither and thither, lighting the way for less dark-adapted creatures. Most lanternfish are gas-light, although some species hunt down electric eels to charge their batteries.

Big hits in the choral reefs while their lights shine, [b]starfish[/b] perform the same function as lanternfish, showing the clueless and sometimes gullible the way to true stardom. Starfish come in many different varieties, from the relatively dim but long-lived and very numerous red dwarfs to the huge and bright but short-lived and rare blue giants. However, one should be cautious among starfish as the red supergiants have a bad habit of blowing up over any little thing.

Art and fish © 2011 Marvin E. Fuller

Finished Work
13y61d ago
Other Work By @Roadstripe

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