Stephanie R

Know that I don't hate you.....
Know that I don't hate you..... by @Lea_the_Wolf (Stephanie R)

This is a sort of spoiler for my fanfic Almost Surreal. One day when I get flash, I hope to turn the song into a sort of trailer for me fic....

Slash truley blames Shadow for Lea's death. He has completley and totally destroyed the world they once called home........thinking that he mus avenge his sister.....

Shadow still carries on after his wife's death, but Slash continually hunts him down. Usuing his own image, Slash has made Shadow-robots, constantly destroying lives and killing. Slash has made it so that EVERYONE, except his only daughter, hates Shadow.........His own son says that his dad died leaving their home on an esacpe pod....... When he knows that he was alive......what he didn't know was that he got help.......

Shadow was taken without warning from the world he knew as earth, to almost thirty years into it's future.... Where look-alikes are killing people, his own future image is hated, even by his own children..........and Lea.......is dead.......

This song I thought sort of explained a few things...at least a little.......

Shadow's text is white, Slash's black....and the blue............

Finished Work
17y235d ago
Other Work By @Lea_the_Wolf

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