Rhiannon o' Forest

Me - Wolf, Wing and Sky Portrait of Self.
Me - Wolf, Wing and Sky Portrait of Self. by @wolverine (Rhiannon o' Forest)

This is a picture we had to do at school, but I'm enjoying it immensely. It is meant to be a painting of who we are and what we believe in basically (the subject is called 'Art of the Heart and Spirit').

What it all means (what I have so far at least) is;

The wings - freedom, from this world, from laws, from opinions, from all the restricting stuff like that.

The wolves - also freedom, but power to do as I like and be who I am.

The skies - freedom, once more: open skies, empty space filled with beauty of changing colours.

The sun - the brightness of what can be, if it is made to be what it can be.

The moon - the silver beauty of what is, although for most a hard search has to be made to find the beauty.

The desert - (the surface the wolf is walking on is a desert, as of yet unpainted) is again freedom (I like being free, or the illusion of being free, what can I say?) and an endless open land to wander around on.

The dreamcatcher - is basically self-explanitary, I love dreams, and dreaming and sleep, I love the nothing that we sleep in, and the way it can be filled with images that often are not remembered. I just find that so entrancing and amazing.

The circle of barbed wire - if you can't tell, the border is barbed wire. It means that even though some may see beauty at times, it is always surrounded by a trap, a circle that never releases it's prey. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kiara Gwynedd

20y358d ago
Other Work By @wolverine

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