Aurora Windsoar

Neither  Sky Nor Sea...
Neither Sky Nor Sea... by @_Sphynx_ (Aurora Windsoar)

This is a very emotional peice of mine. If ya think about it, she's stuck in-between worlds because of what she is. She can't swim in the oceans because her wings would bog her down, and she can't fly free because she'd dry out and die. So there she sits for an eternity, not able to live with anyone else, never knowing love or hope or happiness. As the title suggests, neither sky nor sea belong to me(her, but me rhymes). Well, if ya really wanna know, this pic has very little emotional attachments fer me, and I only drew it 'cause I was bored ant it looked purdy in mah head. But I keep telling people the above.. thingie and getting hugs, so it'll stay. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Aurora Windsoar

21y218d ago
Other Work By @_Sphynx_

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