Li Chi Son

1/5 of a full picture: The faces of all ruling demons
1/5 of a full picture: The faces of all ruling demons by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I tihkn this pic will be a working process for quite some time. Getting the info of how Bubble's Drezmind, Ruling demon of the North, looks like right now (doesn't mean I can think of how to draw him just yet)

Another thing is that this will be a spoiler pic if the plots don't get moving and I wouldn't want that to happen wink.

Quick background(still in the works): Basically the two ruling gods were "born" first (along with zillions of other gods from a positive energy source called the Nexus) and then the ruling demons were "born" from the negative building in the Nexus (+ all the other demons).

Negative energy and positive energy doesn't mix so the ruling gods and demons starting fighting one another.

Big chaos but in the end, the gods won cause the demons couldn't get along (one wanted to deliver the killing blow but was stopped by the others who wanted to do the honours...you get the idea).

The ruling demons scattered, hiding from the ruling gods, and waiting for their chance (not sure if they can get along long enough to form an alliance :P, proud demons) to destroy them.

Seems like this background story works for all the players. All the ruling demons 9that have appeared) want to kill the ruling gods so it's all good!

She will look more in proportions once I scan the full pic XD

Enjoy Kharzum!!!! (very very pwetty)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

21y178d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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