Victory at Sea
Victory at Sea by @Eternity9

Aer from 2017

This is from and for the Pokemon Dungeon D&D group that I am a part of, and this is our victory pose over our first mini boss! King Karp and his Poliwag pirates!

This was our first encounter in the game, and was an enjoyable challenging fight!

Also in the pic there would have been two more NPC included, not just Chuchster the Machop, who had "helped" during the fight against King Karp and his minions, Joltus the Jolteon and Dewy the Wingul, but I was just too tired to draw them in, and also if I wanted to get this done before the New Year I would have to exclude them.

And if your wondering where the ice comes from? that from our ships captain Del a Vaporean, who had the worse dice rolls and kept missing King Karp, hence why there is ice scattered around the place.

Vespire Silverscales belongs to poisondragon88 Frenzy Jones belongs to :superferretix (Turns out her character had a helmet the whole time, but didn't know that till I had mostly finish drawing her character for this art piece) Connie Fir belongs to dailydragonlair Bramble Patch by Eternity9

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