Fox McCloud/Junior( StarFox: Armageddon )
Fox McCloud/Junior( StarFox: Armageddon ) by @Bubs_Cooper

I'm still working on one of my models so instead of keeping you all held up I figured I'd post one of my finished models. when I was editing this model which btw it's the StarFox Adventures model but with parts of the Super Smash brothers Ultimate Fox model I took from.. the only thing that is custom designed are the gloves. To make this model functional I had to remodel the hands to have poseable fingers and such. I had alot of fun making this tbh because I like creating custom character designs instead of using a design from other games. Oh yeah his Tailed demon form is an idea I came up with for my webcomic, and no once he shifts to this form he doesn't go beserk.. he retains concious control over himself after quelling and befriending an ancient tailed spirit that was forced inside of him in order to turn him into a biological weapon. Also I had to get anatomical features of a Fox right.. such as a long tail, whiskers, claws, etc. I had to remodel his mouth completely to have acurate and natural Fox teeth. Because he's a Fox.. I had to make him actually look like a fox instead of a fuzzball with a short tail and no whiskers. Credit to the original game devs for making this model.

Finished Work
25d20h ago
Other Work By @Bubs_Cooper

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