Elizabeth Roberts

C'est moi, a la Planet Hoppers!
C'est moi, a la Planet Hoppers! by @elizrobe (Elizabeth Roberts)

Heh, Planet Hoppers is a space soap opera-comedy about a group of sad, sad char.s on a giant fruit juice bar and spa starship called the SS Space Bunny. Each of my "special" ^_~ friends made a char. similar to themselves, but twisted in a weird sort of way. For instance, this is my char. Liz. She's a sweet bartender and waitress at the juicebar and probably the most sane person in the whole entire crew. However, she has a phobia of monkies, gorillas, and other primates excepting the human race. It is an odd twist of fate then that she falls in love with the King of the Junk Monkies who happens to be a gorilla. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Elizabeth Roberts

Rough / Concept
22y6d ago
Other Work By @elizrobe

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